Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Thai Times

Submitted by Bev Nov 29
There is much to report but chasing down students to take care of blog entries is difficult.  They have immersed themselves into this culture with gusto but I’m seeing signs of weariness as they foster and build relationships; both in and out of class.   Wednesday is our last day of teaching and there will be some parts of the last chapter that won’t be covered.  It’s been rewarding to see my students’ use of English improve but there is a big gulf between speaking and comprehending.  Even simple Bible stories like Zaccheus require much time to explain and I pray that some of them truly understand.

A major personal joy has been working with the worship team at the church.  I’ve rarely encountered such eager students – both for singing help and for the ‘nuts and bolts’ of music. 
We laugh a lot as they try working out simple rhythms or some of my crazy singing tips.
I’ve been a believer for 63 years and to see the depth of commitment of these fairly new believers is an incredible encouragement to persevere.  The Spirit’s power is evident in their prayers and their joy in Jesus – all in a place where they are in a distinct minority.   

I’ve enjoyed reports and photos of the big Santisuk outing to the beach on Saturday.  Our team really excels in building relationships and they aren’t shy about using those times for Kingdom work.  The philosophy that underlies the work here is simple; all encounters are part of His work.  So, although it may take years, many of these English students and non-believers who attend cell groups will eventually come to Christ. How exciting to be a small part of this effort  to reach a Buddhist country for Christ. 

I’ll include a few photos ‘borrowed’ from Facebook postings and will continue to invite students to participate in this blog.      



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